Issuance and receipt of electronic invoices for your Microsoft ERP

electronic invoice solutions

eSign Facturae & eSign ePDF

It speeds up the issuance and receipt of invoices both with public administrations and with private clients.

Get ready for regulatory changes and implement electronic invoicing now.

make difficult things easy

How do they help you?


Our apps have the AppSource certification, so they meet all the requirements and quality standards demanded by Microsoft.


Generate your invoices in PDF or in Facturae format signed electronically and send them to your clients or the reception portals of the AA.PP. without leaving your system.


Our solutions are fully designed to work with the ERPs Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Our apps comply with all national standards, so their use has the same legal validity as receiving paper invoices.

Time and cost savings

Forget about manually filling in the data and reduce management time to a minimum. Eliminate paper, printing, shipping and storage costs.


Improve the social responsibility of your company and its environmental impact by promoting a paperless invoicing process.

eSign Facturae

the app for issuing and receiving invoices with public administrations from Microsoft dynamics 365

  • Generate digitally signed invoices and payments in XML format
  • Send them to the reception portals of the corresponding Public Administrations, such FACe (state), e-FACT (catalonia) y Osakidetza (Basque health service). Soon I will also send through FACeB2B!
  • Have traceability on its status (registered, rejected or paid)
  • Manage your clients and configure billing specifications for each of them.
  • Safeguard and store your electronic invoices.
  • Standalone use or integrated with your ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365.

eSign ePDF

the app for issuing invoices with private clients from Microsoft dynamics 365

  • Generate digitally signed PDF invoices.
  • Sign any other PDF document digitally.
  • Automate its delivery to your private clients by email.
  • Manage your clients and configure billing specifications for each of them.
  • Custody and store your invoices and signed documents.
  • Standalone use or integrated with your ERP Dynamics 365 Business Central or Finance.

start now

Would you like to invoice electronically from your Microsoft ERP with eSign Facturae or eSign ePDF?

Do you want more information?

If you have questions or need more information about our electronic invoice integrated with MS Dynamics, contact us, we are at your disposal to help you!

    To send the form please accept that our privacy policy.

    BASIC INFORMATION ON DATA PROTECTION: Data Controller: INNOQUBIT SOFTWARE SLU. Purposes: Manage the request you make in this contact form. Legal basis: Consent of the interested party. Recipients: Will not be given to third parties unless legally obliged to do so. Rights: You may at any time exercise your rights of objection, access, rectification, limitation, data removal and other legal rights using our contact form. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection and privacy here.